Saturday, August 23, 2008

group meetings

Here are a couple of cool sites that allow scheduling of (lunch? meeting? rehearsal? rendez-vous or arrival time for a trip?) lots of things. I like this more than evite as it is more collaborative AND allows you to send many invitations at once while avoiding spam filters. And, there are a kazillion different templates to use for your invitations. My chorus uses this to schedule rehearsals, sectionals, board meetings, recruitment email, etc. more of a one-on-one but allows for collaboration; easier than reminding people to click on 'reply all' in email :)

Test subject

Test email post

Friday, August 15, 2008

translucent animals

look at this website for a dozen more beauties :)

translucent-pelagic-octopus-newbert-1145307-lw.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024x768 pixels) - Scaled (63%)


Hi, Honey,
I believe that I told you about connexions, an open source learning environment which offers tons of free content. Below is the url for an online-available book (read online, or download a pdf) involving statistics; the book is one which purports to be widely used in college classrooms. Have a look!
<:3 I love you

Online Students

I thought that Courtney and Terri and Nicole might be interested in this

(Survival guide for students of online courses)

For Those Who Travel allows air travellers to investigate the seats in a particular aircraft, and pick the one they like best.

Word Translator

The Word Translator feature which automatically translates words in your language when you hover your mouse cursor over the word. WordTranslator currently supports translation from English into Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Japanese, Korean, French, Italian, German and Spanish. It can prove immensely useful for non-native English speakers worldwide.
BTW: I would actually like it to translate the above languages to English for me.
Hi Honey it is the google toolbar which permits you to see a word in spanish (and other languages, you set it up) when you hover your cursor over the word in english...there's no provision for it to function conversely.


Welcome to my blog!

This will be a compilation of cool web-based resources that I find. I started this blog at my daughter's behest, since she was frustrated by my constant stream of emails, each about a specific web resource. She suggested that I should have my own tech blog, and use it as a database for all of my tech findings.

So, here we go!

Note: Most posts will just be quick cut-and-pastes of emails I send my daughter, which each include a cool resource and a brief description in which I attempt to convince her to use it.